Cat Tales
A Visit from St. Tabbycat
By – Philip Tingey

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the Haven
Each kitty was harbouring
Strong Christmas cravings.
Though no stockings were hung
On the mantle with care,
Each puss knew St. Tabbycat
Soon would be there.
Libra was lounging,
A-snooze in her bed,
While visions of liver snacks
Danced in her head.
And Morris on this footstool
And Nobu out back,
Were both mulling over
A late evening snack,
When up in the air
There arose a strange static,
As if rodents were scurrying
‘Round in the attic.
But Morris just looked out
The window and yawned
At the pile of chestnuts
Unraked on the lawn.
The puddles of rain
In the still parking lot,
Were now so commonplace
They weren’t given a thought.
But then he could see,
Flying houses to houses,
A cat in a sleigh
Pulled by six little mouses.
So Morris then banished all
Thoughts to be crabby,
For he knew in a flash
That this must be St. Tabby!
They closed on the house
At an alarming rate
And Morris could feel
His old heart palpitate.
“Now Itchy, Now Twitchy,
Now Whisker and Flicker;
Hey Tremble, Hey Bitey,
You’ve got to fly quicker!
Fly us over the house
And with none of your tricks;
Do not land on the roof
Or there’ll be leaks to fix.”
Like dry leaves that
Quickly fill up the gutters,
These were the words
He heard Tabbycat mutter.
So over the house
To the concrete they flew,
With the sleigh in behind…
And St. Tabbycat too.
And then after some scratching,
Some moments of slack,
Through the back door
St. Tabbycat came with his sack.
He was dressed all in fur,
(Duh! Most pussycats are.)
But lo! On his forehead,
There blazed a white star.
His eyes were gold-amber,
His tail a plume;
His whiskers, how droopy!
And his purr filled the room.
His sharp-pointed ears
Were all burnished with frost
And Morris thought, “Flying at
Night bears a cost…”
He was chubby, not plump;
He’d have made a good suitor,
For one look at his jowls
Said this Saint ain’t been neutered!
A slow blink of both eyes
And a smile that was deep
Soon told Morris that he
Could return safely to sleep.
He made not a sound;
Moved with fine feline stealth
And left all the cats presents,
A mountain of wealth!
And then giving his tail
An eloquent flick,
He zoomed out the laundry
Room door – double quick.
He leaped to his sleigh,
To his mouses he beckoned,
And then, Flash! They were gone
To the north, Morris reckoned.
And then Morris heard words
Somewhere deep in his head:
“Purry Christmas to cats;
May you all soon be fed!”
– Philip Tingey