Found Animals
You've found an animal.
Look for identification (ID)
Collar and/or ID tag: May have the animal’s home address or phone number. If the animal has a municipal tag, call local SPCA or animal control to help track down where the animal lives.
Microchips: You can take the animal to your nearest vet clinic or animal shelter to check for a microchip, free of charge.
Ear tattoo: If the animal has an ear tattoo, contact your nearest animal shelter or vet clinic to trace the tattoo number. If the tattoo is not legible, take the animal to your nearest vet clinic or animal shelter to read it, free of charge.
Other tattoos: Some animals may have a breeder tattoo on their abdomen or inside leg. Contact your nearest vet clinic, often these tattoos are only traceable through the original breeder.
Use the Web
- Post to social media: Take a good photo of the animal and make a post including the location it was found along with any other information. Share it on your local Facebook or Twitter networks.
- Search online: These Canadian websites host searchable lost and found animal postings. You can also publish a “found pet” post.
Search the neighbourhood
Talk to people in the neighbourhood: Your neighbours may recognize the animal. Take a photo and ask around, knock on neighbour’s doors and kindly ask if it’s their pet or if they know the animal’s guardian.
Put up posters: Create a poster or make one free on the BCSPCA PetSearch site. Include a photo, description, location found, and your contact info. Post it around your neighbourhood (telephone poles, stores, parks, vet offices.)
Contact local animal shelters, BC SPCA, and animal control.
Report the animal as found. Let them know if you are able to safely hold onto the animal until the guardian is found. If you are unable to hold onto the animal, ask for direction on where to take the animal.
Found the pet’s guardian?
- If you find the pet’s home, please remember to let any groups you have contacted know that the animal is no longer lost. Remember to also update any social media posts, and remove any posters.
Additional Information
- Click on the following link to review a great article on Lost Cat Behaviour, posted by the Missing Animal Response Network (MARN) based in Bellingham, WA
- Lost Cat Behaviour
- Click on the following link to review a great article on Lost Cat Behaviour, posted by the Missing Animal Response Network (MARN) based in Bellingham, WA
Check out our other resources by clicking the corresponding images below.
Found a Stray or Lost Animal?
Click here for information on what you should do next!
You've Lost Your Animal
Need help? Check out our resources for where to look!
Animal Identification
Check out the types of animal ID and how to keep them updated and relevant.
What Happens When the Haven gets a Cat?
For more information, click here.