Surrendering a Cat
Surrendering a pet is never an easy decision.
The volunteers at the Safe Haven understand, and are here to support you through the process. To make it easier for your cat, and all humans involved, please read the following information carefully.
The Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven always has a wait list for surrenders. We wish this weren’t the case, but in order to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of resident cats and new intakes, each cat must go through a brief quarantine/assessment period and there are only so many spaces to complete this process. The vet shortage in BC is also impacting our ability to be able to move cats through our system more quickly. Click this link to fill out the Surrender Application Form. We will review the application and contact you as soon as possible.
What you can do to help:
1. Give us LOTS of lead time. Owned animals that are in a home are at less risk than animals on the street. So street cats will take priority. If you know that you’re going to need to move in the next month, call immediately to be put on a wait list. Yes, there will always be a wait-list. If you don’t end up needing your spot on that wait-list, please let us know!
2. Attempt to re-home yourself. Please DO NOT offer your animals “Free to a good home”. Ask for a re-home fee. Find an adoption application online and ask people to fill it out. Be choosy about where your pet will go.
3. See if you have a family member who might be able to take your animals. Offer to continue to support them financially if you’re able to.
4. Take your cat to the vet in advance. Make sure they are up to date medically and bring the vet records with you to the surrender appointment or to whoever may be taking your cat(s).
5. Update your pet’s permanent ID once they’ve been re-homed. We often get animals whose ID is registered to a previous owner.
6. Please don’t contact us once you’re already moved out or you have to be out in hours. This is unfair to us or any rescue. Lack of planning on an owner’s part should not constitute an emergency on our part. We take rescue work very seriously and it breaks our hearts when we have to say no.
Other places you can reach out to:
ABC Cat Rescue – https://www.facebook.com/ABCcatrescue
Chilliwack BCSPCA – (604) 823-6612
Forever Homes Cat Rescue – foreverhomescatrescue@gmail.com
Abbotsford BCSPCA – (604) 850-1584
Abby Cat Daddy – https://www.facebook.com/AbbyCatDaddy
Heart and Soul Dog & Cat Rescue – https://www.facebook.com/heartandsouldogandcatrescue
Fraser Valley Humane Society – in Mission (604) 820-2977
SAINTS Rescue – Mission – https://saintsrescue.ca/
Katie’s Place – Maple Ridge – (604) 463-7917
LAPS Animal Shelter – Langley – (604) 857-5055
C.A.R.E.S. Cat Shelter – Langley – info@carescatshelter.com
Action for Animals in Distress – Burnaby – https://actionforanimals.net/
VOKRA – Lower Mainland – 604-731-2913 (messages checked daily)

This neutered male cat was left at the front door of the Safe Haven on April 14, 2022. No information was included, so we have no idea where he is from, how old he is or his name. This doesn’t need to happen!