A Few Words
About Us
A Few Words About Us
We are dedicated to finding the perfect home for every cat in our care, helping displaced and homeless cats, helping pets stay in loving homes, and cultivating respect and awareness for the rights and needs of animals.
We believe adoption is vital; abandoned cats desperately need loving homes. But we cannot merely “adopt” our way out of the homeless animal problem. We must also reduce the number of animals at risk. There’s an old saying that the ultimate goal of animal shelters is to put themselves out of business — to realize the dream of a day when there are no more homeless cats.
If every community reduced the number of animals at risk, we would be much closer to achieving that dream.

The Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven's
Community Programs
Community Programs

Spay and Neuter Program with The Chilliwack Animal Hospital which includes the following:
– Spay or neuter
– Tattoo
– Vaccination
– Deworming and flea treatment
$120 for neuter and $130 for spay
To access the community spay & neuter program, please email us with your name, phone number, and any relevant details about your cat(s).
You can email the Chilliwack Animal Safe Haven office at info@thesafehaven.ca and we will reach back out to you as soon as we are able.
You can view the Safe Haven’s cats that are currently in our care, by clicking here.
To meet the Haven’s cats in person, please fill out the application form, that can be found here.
The Haven wishes to give special thanks to everyone who has helped contribute to its success and who continue to support us in one way or another. Without you, our cats would not receive the loving care they need and deserve.
A special thanks to:
Our dedicated volunteers who do everything from cleaning, driving, feeding and fostering for the cats at the Safe Haven.
Bosley’s by Pet Valu for all their donations and fundraisers.
Walmart for all the donations you generously give for the cats.
89.5 JR Country for featuring our cats on “For Pet’s Sake”.
Philip Tingey for his amazing photographs, stories, and poems.
Mr Mike’s Chilliwack for holding events and promoting the Haven.
Green For Life Environmental (GFL Env) for free garbage removal.
Scruffy Tail Pet Food & Supplies
Boston Pizza Chilliwack for Valentine’s Pizza Day and other promotions
Pixabay for the royalty free images.