Lost Animals
Lost Animals
You've lost an animal.
Search the Neighbourhood
Search the area in which your pet was lost: Walk or drive through your neighbourhood several times a day, early in the morning and at dusk when it is quiet. Call your pet’s name and shake a bag of their favourite treats. Take a flashlight to look under things. Remember to look up as well.
Ask around: Talk to your neighbours, mail carriers, store owners, etc. and ask them to be on the lookout for your pet. Ask neighbours to check their backyards, bushes, garages and sheds.
- Put up posters: Create a poster or make one free on the BCSPCA PetSearch site. Include a photo, description, location lost, and your contact info. Post it around your neighbourhood (telephone poles, stores, parks, vet offices.)
Use the Web
Post to social media: Take a good photo of the animal and make a post including a description, the area they went missing, day/time of the incident, your contact info, along with any other information. Share it on your local Facebook or Twitter networks.
Search online: These Canadian websites host searchable lost and found animal postings. You can also publish a “lost pet” post.
Petsearchers Canada (pet detective and tracking service)
Update your pet’s ID Registration Information
If your pet’s microchip, tattoo or license is registered with the BC Pet Registry, BCSPCA provincial ID database, you can update your information online or contact their call centre at 1-855-622-7722.
If your pet’s microchip, tattoo or license is registered with a veterinary clinic or municipality, please contact them to make sure your information is up to date.
Contact Local Animal Shelters, BC SPCA, Animal Control, and Local Veterinary Clinics
Report the animal as lost to any animal agencies in your area.
If your pet was found injured, they may be at a nearby vet clinic.
Don’t give up searching for your pet!
It is important to begin searching for your pet as soon as you realize they are missing.
Continue to search for your pet even if there is little hope. Many animals who have been lost for months or years have been reunited with their guardians.
Additional Information
- Click on the following link to review a great article on Lost Cat Behaviour, posted by the Missing Animal Response Network (MARN) based in Bellingham, WA
- Lost Cat Behaviour
Check out our other resources by clicking the corresponding images below.
Found a Stray or Lost Animal?
Click here for information on what you should do next!
You've Lost Your Animal
Need help? Check out our resources for where to look!
Animal Identification
Check out the types of animal ID and how to keep them updated and relevant.
What Happens When the Haven gets a Cat?
For more information, click here.